Friday, October 29, 2010

Fridays are for Feeling Full

Monica at Holistic Mama has been using Fridays to list out her "joy pockets" -- places in the week past where she found joy and inspiration. I love this idea. So here are mine -- moments that really filled my bucket. I'm overflowing today.

Ready, set, go:

  • winning something in a random drawing{and i'm absolutely giving it to kim (only if you want it, of course). it's really "her" don't you think?}
  • anticipating two sets of weekend guests {so much fun ahead}
  • receiving a flood of comments on a recent post {to know my words touched so many of you? absolutely bowled me over.}
  • entering another giveaway {follow that link. enter. you'll totally decrease MY chance of winning but you need to see this gal's stuff. she's really good.}
  • skyping with my mom {and more importantly, knowing she was enjoying a week off}
  • unwrapping a yoga metaphor  {and anticipating the possibility of attending class at a new studio that offers childcare.  yoga twice a week? bliss.}
  • scheduling nightweaning for the fairly near future {a couple hard nights = better sleep for us all. please?}
  • watching my baby take four steps -- fall -- and get up to take four more {drunken-sailor walking is the cutest. but sometimes i think she needs a helmet}
  • eating blueberry pie in a neighbor's kitchen {yum. the "not small talk" is always good, too}
  • finding out that kim's chemo worked to stop the cancer's growth. {waiting for test results to determine if the new stuff is gone or just stable. hold her in the light, please.}
  • listening to my girls play in their room. they're making their "haunted beds." {silliness before breakfast}
  • seeing frost on the roof {and hearing no wind, finally}
  • feeling appreciated. in the world's smallest things. always. {love you, john}

How about you? Did this week leave you feeling full?