Monday, September 27, 2010

the worst idea and some realistic goals

So I was chatting with my sister the other day, sort of complaining about how this has been a dawn-till-dusk sort of month for me, peppered with very little time to do the alone-time things I love with any predictable regularity. Largely, this is because I haven't been sleeping well enough to wake up an hour before the kids flip the day-switch to ON. My evenings are filled with work -- which I enjoy -- but which is stealing the end-cap of my day, too.

So I told my sister that I'm planning to start getting up earlier to gift myself an hour to walk the dog or practice yoga or or write or center myself in meditation. I need this, I told her.

Sarah, that's the worst idea I ever heard, she replied.

She's right.

I know this.

Sleep is so important, even in the stop-starting ways it's been coming to me lately. More important than alone time, I guess. But I'm sorely missing that time and hoping the space opens up again very soon. [I wrote this request in my manifestation book. Do you think the Universe will hear?]

In the meantime, I'm in a goal-setting mood. Even if waking up early isn't going to work, I still want to incorporate more of the things I love into my day, since I can't carve out any quiet space for them right now.

So I'm going to take more walks with the dog and the stroller. [With no disasters, I trust.] I'm going to practice yoga with the baby crawling under my downward dog and Eliza playing along when she wants. [We'll have our own parent-child yoga class here in our basement. I've got some storytime yoga books on hold at the library -- I'm excited to share this practice with her...I hope this spark of interest she's been showing keeps glowing steadily and brighter.]

Meditation really will have to wait for quiet spaces, but perhaps I can find even just 2 minutes before bed.

And as for writing? Well, I joined up with NaBloWriMo, pledging to write a blog post a day. So you'll see me a lot more active in this online unwrapping space in October, and I'm excited to see what the commitment will draw out of me. I won't be offended if you get bored with my daily blatherings, so visit daily if you want...or not...but that's the commitment. The goal.

Do you have any goals for October? For this season of lengthening nights, cooler days, muted colors, and a significant, seasonal, and possibly spiritual folding inward?